The 12 Don’ts on Finances in Relationships Don’t give a wrong impression about your financial status. Don’t open joint accounts while still dating. Some financial decisions make sense after lobola is paid. Don’t take loans in order to impress your partner. Don’t open accounts or take loans on behalf of your partner. They may not repay and mess up your credit record. Don’t condone financial recklessness or … Read More
Big dreams require bold decisions Do you believe that you have BIG dreams to achieve in your life? Of course you do. Everyone does. But what happens when you have BIG dreams but afraid to take bold steps? It was 2012 when I took a bold decision that not every young man in his early 20s would. I had just completed my national diploma in … Read More
The 10 Mistakes Christians Make About Relationship (uMjolo) 1. Using Scriptures To Shela The tendency by brothers to use spiritual gifts to lure lovers has been in place for years. Back in the day, they used dreams but now brothers are using the didactical exegesis of scriptures to sway sisters. They use prophesies and the name of God to charm unsuspecting sisters. To some women it works and … Read More
Is your dam ready for the rain? A lot of times we ask God to bless us. When we are at the lowest point of our lives, we pray to God for blessings to overtake us (see Deut. 28:1-2), but do we ever take time to prepare ourselves for the big blessings we need from Him? If a million hit your bank account, what would you do … Read More
Work on your gifts Have you ever spent time to find out what is that one thing that you are good at? That one thing that when you have done, people are always raving about it. That one thing you can do without strive but people find very hard to do. In most cases, people wish they could do what you can. They keep … Read More
Be Expectant During pregnancy, a woman is forced to quit all bad habits which some include smoking, drinking and eating fast foods. There is a lot of pain that is experienced at times. There is a lot of sacrifice that needs to be done however you can draw a lot of lessons from pregnancy. Some lessons include patience, care, health and faith, … Read More
You will get out of your pit situation We all have our pit moments and situations. We fall into pits that may seem like there’s no escape. We try everything in our strength to pull out but it becomes difficult for us to do. “Praise the Lord , my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love … Read More
Focus on your box On Saturday, I traveled with my team from AYM and spent 6 hours with a couple of youth in North West. The purpose was to inspire them to do greater things and not allow their surroundings distract them from achieving their goals. One of the exercises I did with them was that of building a box using a blank A4 … Read More
The 6 Ps that torment people 1. Power People that crave for power. People will go out of their way just to obtain power. Miseries have been caused, widows came and orphans have been crafted because people are chasing for power. A number of families were destroyed, friendships, relationships were destroyed in the process because people were craving for power. Don’t let power get to your head. You will crash! 2. Prosperity People … Read More
Want to know the truth? No one will fully understand what you are trying to do, many will act like they understand and only few will support you in what you want to achieve. You will explain it to almost everyone you trust, but they will never understand what you are doing and how you plan to achieve it. It is tough for them to … Read More