In what was i-Weekend Enkulu, gospel aficionado Sphiwe Intelligentsia Kabini attended Xolly Mncwango’s show in east of Johannesburg. She penned a review for Gospel247.

From the traffic lights around Carnival City to the entrance of the Big Top Arena, one could easily see that the congestion was for one reason and one reason only – The Unusual Encounter!

This event was one of the most anticipated of the decade – i-Weekend Enkulu. Yes, you read that right – Decade! From her days in Joyous Celebration, it was evident that Xolly Mncwango’s journey was going to be different, destined for greatness. It was clear from how she joined the popular gospel group—handpicked from the Oasis Worship Team—to the way she mastered every song each time she was given the mic. There was never a moment when you wouldn’t feel shivers down your spine or goosebumps whenever she sang. Pure anointing!

She still hasn’t lost it. Her event, held on Saturday, September 7, was nothing short of this truth. Each song she performed bore testimony to her talent. She had the entire arena on its feet—even when she requested that we take our seats.

Xolly took us down memory lane to her Joyous days, where it all started, with songs such as “Akukho Okungenzeki Kuye,” “Alikho Igama/Uncngcwele,” to her first solo album journey, Jesus is Enough, and finally, to where she is now – The Unusual Encounter. A true journey in song.

It was a nostalgic moment for most of us who have been on this journey with her since day one. I witnessed the grace of God in the flesh.

She sang one of the first songs she recorded with Khaya Mthethwa, “Incredible,” a song that truly encapsulates her journey and life. This very song ushered Khaya Mthethwa onto the stage, and he did not waste a second of the time nor a cent of the money we spent on the show. He did what only Khaya Mthethwa could do—he moved the atmosphere and ministered, “we need revival today.” And Lord, that was a revival! It was a testimony!

Xolly also brought on Ncebakazi Msomi, who graced and serenaded the audience with her anointed and melodic voice, ascending the stage with the song “Ngcwele…Uyakhothama,” a classic sing-along from her Joyous days. As she walked away, Xolly sang her back on stage with another classic, “Nomengathula Akushintshi Lutho…Umhlengi Wami Uyaphila,” which had us all singing along in loud voices.

Another feature was Xoli Thabethe, who performed a duet with Xolly, singing “Umuhle Baba.” It was unbelievable. At some point, I thought it was one of the soprano ladies singing, only to find out it was Thabethe. Some people are truly gifted, shem!

Another guest, Nozipho Phiri, also took us by storm. Her performance was nothing short of amazing. Speaking of an amazing opening, the closing was a banger! Oh my, what a closing! I know Khaya shook the place, but Hope Lalamani blew it up with the revamped version of Xolly’s song “Umuhle Baba” (tent version). The keyboardist wakhuphuka nayo. Ithomoyi was the order of the moment. I ran to the bottom of the amphitheater, close to the stage to dance, followed by a swarm of the crowd from all sides of the arena. The guards gave in and let us be. Hope even took her shoes off. I’ll end it here about her—TikTok can/will tell the rest.

I praised, I worshipped, I danced, I stood in awe, I cried…I indeed had an Unusual Encounter!

Xolly had such an amazing stage presence. The sound amplified her melodic and anointed voice, and the lighting accentuated her already natural glow. To encourage young and upcoming artists, Xolly advised:

“As a minister, kumele ube nenhliziyo yokufunda, ube nenhliziyo ethobile, kubengathi you’re a fool at times kanti you know exactly what you want – serve.”

Xolly Mncwango

She sang us out with “Uyaza Masinyane,” an unending song that echoed all the way to the parking lot! If that is not a testament to how incredible the show was, I don’t know what else could convince you otherwise.

The following morning, I woke up to a message from Xolly: “I love and thank you sthandwa sami for always showing up for me.”

Does it get better than that?

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