1. Power
People that crave for power. People will go out of their way just to obtain power. Miseries have been caused, widows came and orphans have been crafted because people are chasing for power. A number of families were destroyed, friendships, relationships were destroyed in the process because people were craving for power. Don’t let power get to your head. You will crash!

2. Prosperity
People will go all out to prosper. People are told to do extreme things for prosperity. They will tell you that if you can sacrifice a child, your business will grow. If you can just bring your cousin’s eye just so that you can prosper. A number of people died because they want to prosper. Don’t be too anxious for success that you even lose yourself in the process.

3. Protection
That’s another P. There are so many families that would go all the way just to strengthen their families. People spend thousands of rands just to protect themselves from evil spirits and guard their houses. Knowing that you have a God who is a protector, you shouldn’t be worried about spiritual battles for He will prepare you and strengthen you for war.

4. Popularity
Others just want to be popular. Just to be seen on TV, Magazines, and Newspapers and they will do whatever it takes to see themselves being popular and people always talking about them. People go to the extreme just wanting to be famous. Ladies would even go out to be naked just to get some attention on social platforms. We need to run away from the obsession of being famous.

5. Presence
Others for presence. “When I come, people must sense me that I’ve arrived.” People would do anything in their power to make sure that people feel his/her presence. Stop over entertaining people. Be your best and people will love you still. Don’t go out seeking attention. If you are doing something good, people will give you attention.

6. Pleasure
They would sacrifice a number of things just for pleasure. People would sacrifice their dignity just to have pleasure. I was shocked to hear young people claiming not to have money to register for the next semester but they stiff have money to go see DJ so and so play and get drunk on that weekend. Priorities are not set right when pleasure is in the lead.

We need to learn not to let these 6 Ps control our lives. We need to learn how to draw a balance between all of them. Failure to do so, you will temper with your future and the happiness of people around you.
I want you to look at yourself today and introspect. Do you have any of the Ps? If the answer is YES, then you need to go on your knees and ask God to help you conquer that P.

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